Northern Pennine Way Challenge Walk, Cheviot Hills - Route - 18 miles

Please find below the route for the Northern Pennine Way Challenge Walk, Cheviot Hills - 18 miles

Northern Pennine Way Challenge Walk, Cheviot Hills - Route


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Registration time: 8.30 - 9.00 am

Distance: 18 miles

Difficulty: Difficult
Ascent: 1,772 feet (540m)
Decent: 2,425 feet (739m)

Starting/ Finish Point: Linbriggs Farm, near to Alwinton

Your Guide: Self-guided

Price Per Person: £39.50

A superb 18-mile challenge walk taking in the finest part of both the Pennine Way and also the top end of the Coquet Valley, in the Cheviot Hills.

After registering at Linbriggs Farm, near to Alwinton in the Coquet Valley we will bus you the 10 miles up the valley to Chew Green.

From here, at the start of the Northern Pennine Way Challenge Walk, Cheviot Hills you will jump onto the Pennine Way. First, you skirt Chew Green and follow the Pennine Way as it follows the border fence, between Scotland and England, passing over Black Halls before reaching Checkpoint 1 at Lamb Hill refuge hut.

Then you climb Lamb Hill, Beefstand Hill, and Mozie Law before climbing the mighty Windy Gyle.

After Windy Gyle you continue to follow the Pennine Way until you reach Clennell Street. From here you start dropping down to Checkpoint 2 located just before The Middle.

After passing over The Middle you drop down to Fairhaugh before following the beautiful Usway Burn down to Shillmoor.

Here it is a short walk back to Linbriggs Farm, the finish of the challenge walk.

Whilst researching and putting together this all-new challenge walk I believe we have put together one of the most stunning 18-mile walks in the region and with the transfer at the start you have just 1,800 feet of climbing whilst you experience some of the best summits and walking The Cheviot hills has to offer.